Oak Lawn Carpet Store


DeSitter Flooring is servicing the Oak Lawn area home and businesses for all of their carpet and flooring needs.?? DeSitter Flooring has been in business for over 95 years servicing families and business.?? Call us today to find our about our vast selection of styles and colors of carpets.?? We have something for everybody and every family?s needs.?? If you can think of it we have it, we??guarantee all of our products and our work.?? New carpet is great for any home or business.?? We offer special stain resistant carpets for family?s with children and pets, we understand that people spill things all the time on their floor and you should not have to live with a stained carpet.

Give one of our carpeting specialists a call today to find out what fits your home.

Call us today at 630-225-7222